Welcome to the republic of OOME

Your number one place for technology and security.

Our top priorities is the customer: no info will be used agaist your consent, we offer a free VPN subscription and full incognito browsing on our website. No sensitive info, such as phone number, account, email or even search history will be distributed and that is a so-called "OOME guaranti". If you are sceptical, this is an example of how we protect your data after you have created an account:

  1. Info is collected by our system
  2. The collected data is stored in one of our databases
  3. the database is protected with two firewalls
  4. All your data is then also heavly encrypted with our advanced AI encryption
  5. If it appears any of your data has been compromised you will be notified and have the choice to terminate the data or transfer it somewhere else(unless it was you trying to access it)